My Life in China vs Australia - Hobbies
My Life in China vs Australia - Friends
My Life in China vs Australia - weather
My Life in China vs Australia - Food
the biggest hotpot shop in the world 枇杷园 | Comprehensible input | Beginner
Guess my favourite cartoon | comprehensible input chinese | beginner Chinese story
How i fell in love with cheese | comprehensible Chinese | TPRS | beginner Chinese
quizzes about China, Japan and Korea | comprehensible input | beginner Chinese
How to use “的时候de shíhòu” in Chinese | easy Chinese story | comprehensible input Chinese
what did i do yesterday | comprehensible Chinese | basic verbs
two special drinks that amazed me the first time | comprehensible input Chinese
Part THREE|Would Bubba eat chicken or duck | Recorded Chinese Lesson|Comprehensible Input+TPRS
Beginner|Calendar Talk in Chinese|the day of the week | date | activities | comprehensible Chinese
Part TWO|Bubba doesn't want noodles, why? | Recorded Lesson| comprehensible input/story asking
Part ONE|Bob has a pet called Bubba | Recorded Lesson|Comprehensible Input+TPRS
Beginner | When You Have An Annoying Friend | Panda bamboo @BambooPandaOfficial | TPRS | Movie Talk
Beginner | Guess the Weird Cat | Comprehensible Chinese | TPRS | Slow Clear Chinese story | Cats
Beginner | Speaking Chinese After One Month(from complete beginner) | Comprehensible Input | TPRS
Beginner | I Received A Weird Phone Call | Student Story | Comprehensible Chinese | TPRS
Beginner|The Very Hungry Caterpillar | 很饿的毛毛虫|Picture book with comprehensible input+TPRS
Beginner | My hobbies|Karaoke Singing Playing piano Reading Yoga In Chinese | Comprehensible input
Beginner Chinese | My daily routine | napping in China | Comprehensible input | TPRS | Slow Chinese
Beginner | Comprehensible input Chinese | TPRS | slow clear Chinese story | weekly routine | workout
L03 | Comprehensible Input Chinese|TPRS|slow clear Chinese story | the burger story |food in Chinese
L02 | Comprehensible Input Chinese|TPRS|food in Chinese|slow clear Chinese story | what should I eat
L01| Comprehensible input Chinese | TPRS | Self-introduction in Chinese | my mum and my boyfriend